Practice Self Care

As a boudoir photographer I’ve invested much of my time learning ways to practice self care, and sharing that information with the women I work with. It’s really become a big part of my business mission. March is Women’s History Month and in an effort to continue to celebrate and uplift women I’ll be focusing my blog and socials even more closely on the practice of self care. We’ll be taking a look at those things that empower us to live our best lives and to step into our power.

I’m personally working toward improving my own life this year and have hired a new business mentor. During one of our coaching calls the concept of pillars of self care came up. I found it kinda funny because I had just been looking at how I incorporate these elements into my own life. Not to say that I practice self care seamlessly because I sure don’t. After all it’s about practice, not perfection. Then I had the thought that if I have trouble with some of these areas then the women I work with likely do too. My very next thought was what if we worked on these together? What if we spent time each week in the VIP group working together to practice self care through discussing the pillars?

8 pillars of self care graphic

If you aren’t familiar with the pillars of self care they the various areas of your life in which you can practice self care. Namely, Physical, Emotional, Social, Spiritual, Personal, Financial, Home/Environmental, Work/School.

8 Pillars of Self Care

1. Physical Self Care might look like this. Getting quality sleep, eating nutritious foods and being out in fresh air every day. Also finding joy in movement, whatever that looks like for you. Plus getting regular medical checkups.  

2. Emotional Self Care might look like these things. Having a journaling practice. Getting therapy and practicing self compassion, reading self improvement books. Listening to uplifting music, books and self improvement focused pod casts. 

3. Social Self Care can look something like this. Spending quality time with friends and family. Carefully curating your social media feed for positivity. Also practicing solid boundaries with people and your time.

4. Spiritual Self Care might look like any of these. Maintaining a connection to a higher power. Daily meditation or prayer. You might also attend spiritual or group services. 

5. Personal Self Care might look like some of these. Participating in your hobbies. Listening to yourself and your intuition. Practicing positive self talk to counter any negativity. Always giving yourself grace.

6. Financial Self Care can look like many things. This might include managing & budgeting your money. Building your savings. Setting aside some fun money each month. Paying your bills. Learning more about how to build your personal wealth.

7. Environmental/Home Self Care might look like. Maintaining a safe, secure stable home. Regularly decluttering, cleaning and organizing your home and work spaces. A comfy healthy living environment. 

8. Work/ School/ Care-giving Self Care can look like. Keeping healthy boundaries around work and caregiving for others. Working toward a reasonable work/life balance. Managing your time. Gaining new skills to improve your life. Remembering that asking for help is important. 

As always I’d love for you to join the Facebook VIP group to walk through this process with us. I think it’s going to be a lot of fun for us to grow together and learn more about each other. Let’s really build this community of confident, empowered women together.

Have a question for me? You can email me here: CONTACT GINGER

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