Muse: the source of inspiration for a creative artist Last year I ran a series of sessions called Model Calls where I had every day women, couples and a few men come into the studio to pose for me during styled photography sessions. We did things like, test out new boudoir sets, try new posing techniques I’ve learned, shoot new studio wardrobe, and just to play creatively to make images for my portfolio, website and social media. It was so much fun for me to do these sessions. I was happy to have lots of fantastic cleints come forward to do these. It gave me lots of content to share on my blog too, which is awesome. Plus it’s been a great way for me to grow in my craft while working with real clients. I don’t necessarily like to hire professional models for these types of sessions. I want the work presented on my site to be more representative of my actual, every day, clients. Hence asking my fans and clients to be my muses instead of real models. As much as I enjoyed doing those model calls doing them all in a period of a couple of weeks was tiring. I felt like I’d get a lot more out of them, and honestly so would the client, if I spaced them out perhaps over a month. Then the idea hit me that this could be a way for me to take dreary ole Mondays and make them something to look forward to. I could make them a creative, inspiring and invigorating way to start the week. Thus the birth of the 422 Studio Monday Muse. I will be planning specific Mondays each month in which I’ll be asking for my fans and clients to come into my Richmond Virginia boudoir studio to be my Muse for the day. We’ll talk ahead of time about your session and what we are both hoping to gain from it. I hope to do something new and creatively fulfilling each month.
The dates and style themes will be announced right here on the blog. Now these won’t be total freebie sessions and again I’m not looking to do TF work with professional models here. I want YOU. The woman who wants to step out of her comfort zone and try something new and amazing this year. Each session will be shot in my studio, or at a location we discuss prior to your session. You will have access to my complete product guide so that after your session you can order albums and wall art just like any other client. The session will have a $99 reservation fee which will be credited back to you, along with an additional $50, to be used as product credit simply for being my inspiration. That’s a $149 product credit which will be available to you at your ordering appointment to use on your order. There will of course be some restrictions with each of these sessions, like you absolutely must be willing and able to sign a full model release. Any image we create during your session can and likely will end up online, possibly in a sample album in the studio or even as a printed promotional display so make sure you can sign a model release before you inquire.
The first theme and dates will be announced on Friday so keep your eyes open and let all of your girlfriends know. There will only be 4 dates for February and they will go fast.