Boudoir Party Richmond, VA

So here’s a scenario for you to imagine. It’s your 40th birthday. You’ve had every imaginable type of party. You want to do something completely unforgettable because, after all, you only turn 40 once.  But what is there to do that you haven’t done 39 times already?  Host a boudoir party!  Yes you can do...

Let’s ring in the New Year baby!

This past year has been a blast. Business has been great and I have met some seriously amazing people. I know 2012 will be just as incredible, strike that, it’ll be better. With so much fun stuff on the horizon I’m feeling ridiculously excited about the coming year.    2012 is a year for me...

Holy holiday craziness batman

As I’m wrapping up the season (literally and figuratively) I realize I’ve been seriously neglectful of the blog. Sorry! New pictures will be up after the holidays. I’d hate to spoil someone’s super sexy gift by releasing pictures before they’ve been seen by the intended audience. This holiday season has been fantastic and I just...

We’re published!

This has been a whirl wind week. I had the chance to work with the wonderful team at Bombshell Salon in Richmond, VA. We did our first themed Pin Up session together and it was great fun. What a fantastic group of ladies to work with. This month you can get your hands on the...

Because I love my clients

I’m offering a first for 422 Studio. I have had the pleasure of working with so many wonderful, brilliant, outstanding, women in the last 12 months. Actually throughout the whole operation of my business I’ve been blessed with amazing clients. Year after year I see more beautiful people (and I’m not just talking pretty faces...

If you love lipstick

and let’s be honest who doesn’t, then you’ll really want to read this post. A while back I went to get my hair cut by the fabulous Jennifer Mantura. She has been cutting my lovely locks for the better part of 2 years now (perhaps longer my memory is not so good) anyhoo she had...

Where did the summer go?

Between friends and family coming to visit and a short list of natural disasters I’ll be honest, blogging this summer has been the last thing on my mind. We weathered Irene and are now back to full power and internet. The kids return to school next week and then the coveted routine sets in. It’s...

422 Studio presents the Malt Shop

Anyone who knows me knows that I LOVE ice cream. I love ice cream shops, soda shops and old diners. Always have! When it came time to build a new permanent set I knew exactly what I wanted to do. It was just a matter of collecting pieces and designing the right space in the...

Fab Friday Fashion

Summer is a tricky time for me to blog. I’ve got family and friends coming and going and I’m squeezing in a bit of travel here and there myself so the blogs will be less frequent. This week I’m going to focus on outfits that would be perfect for our new permanent set. What’s a...

Fab Friday Fashion

This week’s Fab Friday Fashion is actually going to focus on beauty tips. Lets be honest you can have found the best outfit in the world to wear to your session but in order to have the total package you need to do certain things to prepare for your big day. I doesn’t matter if...