Category Archives: Richmond Boudoir

Boudoir Photo Session Tips

Today let’s talk about boudoir photo session tips for your hair. Summer is quickly coming to an end, sorry to bring it up. If you’re anything like me you’ve spent a good deal of time doing all of the fun things that are bad for your hair. Swimming, sunning, and rocking a messy bun all...

Limited Edition Shower Sessions

Limited Edition Shower Sessions are kicking off our remaining 2022 Limited Edition Sessions for the year. What’s a limited edition session? They’re simply the most exciting way to get in a quick boudoir photo session that I offer. Particularly they are themed photography sessions offered just 1 day per year. They are a great way...

Richmond Boudoir’s New Location

That’s right! Richmond Boudoir’s new location in Henrico Virginia is open and I’m simply itching to show you the new place. I’ve been busy designing gorgeous new sets and making this amazing new location even more of a perfect boudoir studio. To say I love every inch of this space is an understatement. From the...

Maternity Model For A Day

Richmond VA MATERNITY MODEL FOR A DAY I am expanding my photography services and need your wonderful faces, and that baby bump to be my Maternity Model For A Day. We’ll create images to fill new portfolios on the website and build an assortment of maternity products for studio samples. Plus, together we’ll showcase new...

Embrace Your Beauty

Seriously Miss S is spot on! ” Throw the doubt out the window and give yourself a chance to embrace your beauty. ” That’s right! I would encourage all of you to follow her lead and just do it. Book the session. You may never have all the stars align just how you think they...

Classic Pinup Session

Ladies I know you’ve been waiting a long time for this. The last time we did our annual Classic Pinup Session it was January of 2020. Right before the pandemic. The last time we opened this up it sold out in 24 hours so be ready! The date is January 14th. This is the ONLY...

To tan or not to tan

This prep question gets asked frequently. This is why to tan or not to tan is part of your pre-session prep guide. We all want to look our best for our boudoir photo session. For some folks that includes having a golden glow on their skin. Especially in the winter months! We’ve been hiding from...

Boudoir sessions can be addictive

You’ve been warned! Boudoir sessions can become addictive. I have several clients who’ve come back this year for their 3rd and 4th sessions. They feel good and they are such a great way to celebrate yourself at various points in your life. Taking time out for yourself, being pampered and focused on, walking away with...

My 3 Favorite Boudoir Poses

First off narrowing down to just my 3 favorite boudoir poses is way to hard! It’s a tall order because I have so many that I simply love to shoot with each client. And thankfully when you do your session with Richmond Boudoir we are going to do way more than just 3. BUT I...