Muse Monday Expressive Portraits

I’m so very excited to be revamping my glamour portrait services to include Expressive Portraits. The portrait style I’m working on is dramatic, emotive, connected to the viewer.  This means I’ll need current work that reflects the nature of this type of portrait work. I’ll be using the images to update the “Glamour” portion of my...

May Monday Muse- Let’s Get Out

Alright ladies it’s time. We did not have a Monday Muse session in April so let’s make up for that with an exciting session for May. I have been cooped up in the studio for so long, in fact in the last 4 years that I’ve been in my current location I’ve only shot outside...

March Monday Muse Richmond Boudoir

First off thank you all so much for your patience with the delay in announcing this months Monday Muse. I have be super sick with bronchitis and am finally on the mend. This month we only have time for 3 openings for the Monday Muse sessions. They will go quickly so be sure to check...

Richmond Boudoir Snow Day

We are snowed in and I am so, so, so, very stir crazy. I went out for about 10 minutes earlier and quickly decided that I just don’t have it in me to play in the cold, wet, wind. Snow is cool but this wind brrr, no thanks. I figured why not go ahead and...

Virginia Boudoir Tushy Tuesday

Today’s Tushie Tuesday is altogether to hot.  I love how this shot turned out. the light was behaving so well in the studio this day and we got lots of dramatic images which made me super happy.  This client seriously rocked her session. 422 Studio offers boudoir photography services for women and couples from our...

Monday Muse February

    Welcome to the first set in the 422 Studio Monday Muse boudoir photography sessions for 2016. My plan is to have a different theme/style for Muse clients each month. I’m coming out strong with the first set and we are going to go for dramatic images. I’ve put together a Pinterest board that...

Monday Muse – Richmond Boudoir

Muse:  the source of inspiration for a creative artist Last year I ran a series of sessions called Model Calls where I had every day women, couples and a few men come into the studio to pose for me during styled photography sessions. We did things like, test out new boudoir sets, try new posing...

Richmond Boudoir Photography skin prep

It’s officially winter, for the moment anyhow it is Richmond after all.  My skin normally feels so dry this time of year. It’s like no matter what lotion I use it’s just not enough. Last year I started using a sugar scrub and my skin loves me for it. As luck, and my disorderly shopping...

Richmond Boudoir End of 2015

2015 has been a year of great changes for me both personally and professionally and it’s been a really exciting year. I got voted best bridal boudoir photographer by Richmond Bride Magazine for the second year in a row. I’ve photographed so many amazing women this year. I’ve had some exciting personal adventures including checking...