Category Archives: Richmond Boudoir

What to Wear Boudoir Richmond Lingerie

  I am very excited about today’s “What to Wear” blog post. Shopping for your boudoir photo session is an intimate experience in and of itself. Having women who will help guide you to confidence inspiring pieces is vital to your sessions styling success. The old saying “If you don’t look good you don’t feel good”...

Richmond boudoir photographer, Level Up

  Over the summer I had the pleasure of participating in the Level Up Boudoir Master Class being offered Petra Herrmann, Bella Boudoir of Kansas City.  As a professional photographer one of the things I feel is important is continuing my education. Photography is constantly changing and I want to continue to grow as a...

Richmond Boudoir Studio Anniversary

I can hardly believe it’s already been a year since I got the keys to my new studio. Wow! Time flies huh.Man it was a lot of work getting this place ship shape and ready for me to work out of but we did it in, what now feels like, record time. Here is the...

Richmond Boudoir and Glamour Photographer

“Cultivate your curves- they may be dangerous but they won’t be avoided”– Mae West I am very fortunate as a boudoir photographer to meet such an amazing variety of women. This adventurous soul came in to do a group glamour session, a boudoir party, with me. She was treating her mother to a milestone birthday...

Richmond Boudoir Photographer

To say this hot mom works hard to maintain her figure is a complete understatement. She has seriously amazing abs and all of her hard work truly does show. Makes me wonder what I could accomplish if I had even a fraction of her motivation. I’m happy she came in for a session with me...

Why do a boudoir session?

Just squeezing in a quick post from a recent session. Having the kids home all summer and maintaining a full workload is leaving me with little time to blog. Hope it’s not looking to sad and lonely. One reason a lot of my clients come in to do a boudoir session is to celebrate their...

Between the Sheets – Richmond Boudoir Summer Special

422 Studio presents you with a sizzling summer boudoir special, the Between the Sheets Sessions. This session, available in limited numbers and only in July and August is a one of a kind opportunity to bring out your sexy side. Just you and our bedroom set playing in the sheets. No complicated wardrobe, feel free...

Portfolio Box- Richmond Boudoir Photographer

Have we got a hot new product for you today. I just ordered a fabulous portfolio box to add to the wonderful line of albums that I offer. This is perfect for the woman who wants showcase the artwork from her boudoir photo session in something other than an album. These are 8×12 photographic prints...

Lingerie Lesson- Corset vs Bustier

I’m often asked to help my clients with choosing wardrobe for their boudoir sessions. I love to help out with this so I thought it would be a good blog post too. I wish I could go out shopping with each of you because it’s so much fun to shop for lingerie once you understand...